Pet Therapy
About our Pet Therapy
At Heart to Heart International, pet therapy is an important part of fostering a positive and caring environment for children. Through interacting with the various pets on campus, children are given a chance to express themselves in a nurturing environment. This pet therapy helps kids learn valuable life lessons like responsibility, love and empathy.
More about this program
The pet therapy program provides children with the opportunity to show their care and compassion towards different animals such as cats, dogs, rabbits and guinea pigs. While taking care of these animals the children develop their own sense of self-worth by learning how to provide unconditional love and give purposeful attention. Handling and petting these animals builds trust between child and pet, allowing them to feel secure in the presence of each other.
learning life lessons
The pet therapy program allows children to build meaningful relationships with the animals, and these relationships give them a sense of belonging. Children learn important life skills such as trustworthiness, compassion, commitment and patience while tending to the pets on campus. With pet therapy, children can free themselves from their worries and sorrows while they bond with the animals in a safe space.